Our Productions


Short film, Completed.

A housewife caring for her disabled husband must consider the strength of her commitment and the potential of her future when an old acquaintance makes an unexpected visit. 

Sam Wall is to portray Kevin

Sam Wall is to portray Kevin

Our best years

Feature Film, Pre-Production.

Kevin is a struggling actor about to hit 30 years of age.

He is terrified that he is not where he feels his life and career should be, meanwhile his confident and determined Girlfriend: “Juliana” is starting to get more opportunities with her music career monumental pressure 

Kevin's life is becoming more isolated and he's not seeing the reality of the good life he has as he's 

drowning himself in all the things he cannot control. 

Will he be able to see the great life he has now? Or will he continue to live in a fog of aspiration and despair? 


Season V Trailer: The Fragrance Apprentice

Trailer/Advertisement, Completed.

Completed and Now live on our very own George Atkinson’s “Fragrance Apprentice” YouTube channel, this project that took nearly a year of preparation because of it’s smaller budget and just over a month to edit is a blast of Colour and Energy that showcases what our Advertisements can look and feel like.


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