"Colours” Advertising Shoot Success


On 19th May; myself, the team, and a cast of eight successfully executed a project that has been literally years in the making. Code-named the ‘Colours’ shoot: an advertisement concept that we are hoping to sell to potential retail clients. For legal reasons I can’t speak too much about the actual concept itself, but I can tell you it’s something I personally am very excited about. It was a lot of fun coming up with the ideas and bouncing ideas off the rest of the team, especially Richard who is always ready to put me in my place if he feels I’m going too far with a certain shot idea or concept.

It was a day full of excitement as we sought out to shoot seven actors in ten hours. I was so proud of the crews efforts; and grateful of my 1st assistant director Tasha Welford, who ran the whole shoot like Clockwork - we finished a whole hour early!

We shot at Galleon Studios in Heywood, they have become great friends and partners of ours in the past year. They’re always very helpful and resourceful with out shooting requirements.

We’ve started the edit, and already things are fitting into place. It’s easily the single BIGGEST editing job we’ve ever put ourselves down for, but I’m up for the challenge. There’s quite a lot of 3D work involved with some of the effects shots, something that we’ve always wanted to take on and tackle. If we do it correctly and with the professionalism that we showed on the shoot, the edit will come out to heightened expectations and hopefully satisfying results. I’ll keep everyone updated as we go along.

Thanks to everyone who was there on the day.
